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People say you shouldn't tempt fate...I say fate should not tempt me

Monday, February 27, 2012

Quarter Centery Leap!

It is my last day being 24 years old and so far its going very well! My morning started out with coffee and a very yummy eggs benedict breakfast the best part is none of it did I have to cook! My wonderful man made me sit on the couch with my lap top he put Say Yes to the Dress Netflix on and cooked, if I keep him forever I don't think ill mind what age I'm turning!
1st Birthday Breakfast!
I think as the Birthday day is fast aproching I am coming to terms with the fact I just cant out run 25! 
            As our leading lady Scarlet would say.." I cant think about that today, ill think about that tomorrow." "Cause tomorrow is another day."


Jessica Jarrell said...

That man is a keeper!!! Love the GWTW reference by the way :)

Emme said...

Thought you might like that! Both of us being huge fans!!